Amiga the future is looking bleak :( -------------------------------------- By Sigma Alpha As you saw in the last issue Microprose are bailing out of the Amiga software developing scene, and they are not the only ones. Team 17 might be going as well. What once was a thriving business according to software houses is now not making enough money for them to stay. I'm sure you have read documents like this before woffeling on about pirate games taking money away from these companies. We ALL and I mean ALL at one time or another have come across some piece of software and though Hmmm yeah I like this why should I pay for something I have in my hand. The truth is YES it is taking the money away and it's showing by the amount of companies that are no longer making software for the Amiga so all the stories you have heard and disregarded ARE TRUE, and deep down you knew they are but thought I'm OK I have the latest game so what do I care if they loose £30. Well think to yourself if thousands of people thought the way you do then that is thousands of pounds of money down the drain as far at the companies are concerned. Well for all you pirating people out there this is a message form all us at Miggybyte: ***** STOP FUCKING PIRATING GAMES AND UTILITITIES ***** YOU ARE KILLING THE AMIGA All of the editors of /\/\IGGYBYTE feel the same about this having lengthy discussions on the matter. These software houses that are moving to code for the PC, just what are they expecting to be different, there are pirates in all formats there is no way of getting away from this or is there? Here is a word to you Pirate BBS's out there, over the last few months dozens of BBS's have been raided. Now think of all the users that you have do you know if they are working for F.A.S.T? are you completely sure a user is not getting evidence of you dodgy dealings. It's no use you putting up one of your 'I have no responsibility for what goes on the bbs ' messages coz it don't matter shit. So why not just shut down and wipe your HD of any Pirated Warez. If you liked some of what you had then do what thousands of Loyal Amiga users do BUY THEM! To show how easy it is to get on to your bbs's one of our staff was set the task of finding as many Pirate bbs's and to get validated on them so he could have access to download warez. He logged onto a bbs that he found the number of in a pirated utility, and was allowed to join. A few days later he see an advertisement for two new bbs's on what is referred to as a 'wall this is a ansi screen where users can leave comments to fellow users. These bbs adverts included NUP's Or New User Passwords. These are required on these bbs's to join otherwise the bbs will log you off and not allow you any further into the system. Now he had Three Pirate BBS numbers in Liverpool he was assuming a name that was well known in the scene world belonging to a hacker in a certain cracking firm. Within a week he was offered a post as a Co-Sysop as the Sysop was going On holiday, so he had full access to this persons Hard drivers that amounted to over 12 Gig. This included not just what is referred to as '0 day warez' but meg upon meg Of Hard Porn. Of course all warez that were downloaded were erased from his hard drive after looking through them. When doing this he came across half a dozen bbs adds in all kinds of archived formats. So from one number he got well over a dozen bbs numbers. So if he can do this within the space of two weeks don't you think that others can too? THINK ON. I've said it before i'll say it again, most of the people I know that have had pirate warez only do so because they do not have the amount of money to pay £30 for a game that can be lame and that they could probably find a better version in the PD libraries. I do not offer this as a excuse for pirating but there has to be a message in this somewhere for the software companies. Chances are that if they did reduce there prices they would sell more therefore making up the cost of making the price lower. After reading a transcript of an IRC chat with the creator of Directory Opus the other day it seem more companies are leaving the Amiga in droves. He said that he was might not code another version of Opus for the Amiga and that he had half completed coding a version for the PC but never finished. This is VERY worrying news for the Amiga, but is this the only reason for the companies leaving, do they no something else. Maybe the news of Escom's Amiga company Amiga Technologies, selling of licenses to other companies to make Amiga's is making them unsteady on the future of our beloved machine. End ===